Friday, July 31, 2009

Subliminal Messages

Close to where we got a flat tire.

1st sign of snow after 7 and a half years.... anything is cool after that long.

My mum really enjoyed the whole toboggan thing (she's on the left)

So my getting over you thing is officially...over. Well it was over on Sunday. That's when I realised. When I went and saw her and didn't feel the urge to keep glancing her way. My heart no longer races when she sits next to me either.

Toboggans are clearly not meant for extreme sports

My mum was cheap to get me a real snowboard

For the people who knew already THANK YOU for being there. And those I neglected to tell...sorry, a few of you guys were there for me too and I really appreciate it. And for anyone who doesn't know who I'm talking about it's Lizzie.

I left my mark

Ignore the big plastic thing

Lizzie...thank you (L).

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Lost and Found

Sorry for no photos....almost capped. Don't wanna upload.

It's amazing all the things you notice on a train. Just looking at the reflections in the windows is like looking into people's lives. You can tell what's been going on or what kind of person they are just by looking at the things they are holding or what they're wearing. You see someone grown up with an Elmo bag and you think "Maybe they miss being a kid". Or you see some guy looking all tough and calling his gangsta friends and talking loudly about how 20 guys jumped this one kid for his lunch money or something and its like "If you're so tough why do you need to call guys up?". And my least favourite...there's a pretty girl pouring her eyes out and you're wondering what asshole caused it.


I really don't have the right words for this but I'll try anyway. You're like the little sister I WISH I had....minus the asianess. All the singstar sessions at your place...and getting owned every time without fail. Getting me out of maths because you were crying...actually I don't think that's a plus...whoops. I love you Kaz:P hehe cuz/kaz get it:P hehe. I'm so stupid...but you make me seem so smart


No matter what they say beauty is only skin deep...but then come soul and personality and that's what makes me love you like I do.

leblankbear <3>

My getting over you thing.