Saturday, May 23, 2009

Library Shenanigans

Based On A True Story

Adventure in the Woods

So once upon a time two friends, Scooter (the bear thingo) and Hermit (the frog thingo) went for a walk in the woods?
On their walk they came across something...
...It was an apple :O
"Shotgun" called Hermit.
"No bitch, it's mine" exclaimed Scooter.
"I called dibs on it!"
"I'm bigger. I win"
"Hmmph. Fine. Be dog" said Hermit resigned.
"Fine then. I will" replied Scooter.
"Hehehe. Look at these chumps"

"Oh no!!! It's the notorious Hash Cookie. The evilest cookie in the whole forest." called the two friends in unison with a panicky squeak in their voices
"This is my turf. Get your asses outta here before I slap you into next week" threatened Hash.
"WAHHHHHHHHHHHHH" yelled the two friends as they ran for their lives.
"HAHAHAHA run pussies!"
"Guess the apple is mine now"
"Mmmmmm this apple taste damn nice"
"Ngawwwwwwww we shoulda just shared the apple before he got here instead of being greedy bitches. Now neither of us gets any apple and I'm kinda hungy:S" mused Hermit.

The End


Fron Left to Right
Cecilia's Frog Thingo as Hermit
Mel's Apple Pooh as "the Apple"
Mel's Bear Thingo as Scooter
Mel's Scary Face Thingo as Hash Cookie


Executive Producer/Set Organiser Person/Casting Agent - Melinda "Agro" Boutkasaka

Producer/Director/The Man Who Made It All Happen - Chris "Greek" Arsenis

ps: Don't Give Up